
Workshop hones in on potential Novel Crop Breeding solutions

In the last week of February, CHAP hosted the second of two workshops to bring together stakeholders from across the agri-tech sector to discuss the latest New Innovations topic – Novel Crop Breeding, writes Dr Jemma Taylor.

This workshop was building on the outputs of the previous session, to understand and contribute to the ‘candidate solutions’ and assess whether they were the correct ones to move forward with.  There was good engagement from the stakeholders who attended, with good ideas, wise insights and risks highlighted, fed into the discussions.

Through the workshop, the number of solutions was reduced as a result of the input and asking for stakeholder preference.  The final choices will now be worked on and assessed further by the CHAP team before being presented as tangible and realistic solutions to identified problems within the crop breeding sector.

CHAP, particularly the Innovation Team, would like to take this opportunity to to thank all of the stakeholders who have taken part in this process with us. Without their wisdom and insight, CHAP would be unable to provide meaningful, innovative and disruptive solutions to the UK agri-tech sector.

If you would like to contribute to this topic around Novel Crop Breeding, or have any questions about working with CHAP, please send us an email using the enquiries form at the bottom of our homepage.