Animation sets out the case for Biologicals Pipeline Accelerator and Demonstrator
CHAP has produced a two-minute animated film to explain and promote the business case for its proposed Biologicals Pipeline Accelerator and Demonstrator.
CHAP has produced a two-minute animated film to explain and promote the business case for its proposed Biologicals Pipeline Accelerator and Demonstrator.
Earlier this year CHAP brought together a range of specialist sector representatives for a series of stakeholder workshops, to help define the current problems within the world of biological solutions (biosolutions).
From this, potential ideas to overcome areas of market failure were scoped, and a business case formulated for the delivery of a solution: a Biologicals Pipeline Accelerator and Demonstrator. The aim is to link SMEs to the expertise and facilities they need for successful product development, supported by a network of field and farm trial sites.
Now, we have produced a two-minute animated film to explain the reasoning behind CHAP’s Biologicals Pipeline Accelerator and Demonstrator and to move the project forward.
Dr Harry Langford said: “The Biologicals Pipeline Accelerator and Demonstrator is designed to increase the number of new biological products successfully reaching the market and improve their integration into existing and novel integrated pest management (IPM) strategies.
“As our animation shows, it will do this by providing a brokering service to link SMEs to expertise and facilities that support the product development pipeline. This could be scaling up of production, product testing, regulatory compliance insight, registration support or investment and funding.
“It will also offer a network of field and farm trial sites optimised for biologicals and IPM, providing both efficacy and optimisation trials.”
The ultimate aim is for this solution to help those looking to adopt sustainable farming practices. It will also benefit wider society, as it will lead to more environmentally friendly food production.