
Learn about small-scale anaerobic digestion

York-based Biovale is holding a half-day event, on 17th October, to discuss small-scale anaerobic digestion (AD). When it comes to commercially viable AD, bigger is generally seen to be better. But this may be changing, with increasing interest in small and micro-scale AD plants that can be used to charge farm vehicles or deal with domestic waste.

And from 2020, the Government’s Smart Export Guarantee will help ensure that AD plants up to 5MW are paid for any energy they export to the national grid. Biovale’s meeting, which is free-of-charge for attendees, will explore what the future might look like for small-scale AD (under 2 MW) and should be of interest to the farming, food manufacturing, food retail, and local government sectors.

It is combined with a networking session and an optional a site visit to Beechgrove Farm, a dairy farm with small-scale AD.

Biovale wants to build on Yorkshire’s strength in the bioeconomy and establish it as an internationally recognised centre for bio-based innovation, focusing on renewable raw materials and agricultural technology.

Its aim is to stimulate sustainable economic growth and encourage inward investment to the region. To book go to: biovale.

If you have any general questions or want to contact the CHAP team to discuss a specific project, send us an email at enquiries@chap-solutions.co.uk