
Animation explains CHAP’s innovation cycle

A new animated film has been launched, to explain the innovation cycle which underpins the process conducted by CHAP when guiding collaborators through agri-tech projects.

The animation tells the story of how agri-tech ideas develop from initial first steps through to delivering sector impact, covering the following areas – discovery and scoping, proposal development, delivery and dissemination.

The process is something that CHAP’s Innovation team has spent years finessing, offering a bespoke service to all, whether that’s SMEs or large multinational companies.

Head of Marketing and Communications, Janine Adamson, said: “The innovation cycle is led by CHAP’s Innovation Team, bringing in expertise from across the business including project management, finance, bid development and marketing. In many ways, this is its strength.

“No two ‘spins of the cycle’ are the same, as each project is unique in its challenges and outcomes.

“Given the innovation cycle is a core element of the unique CHAP service offer, we wanted to communicate it in an impactful, succinct way. Not only are we innovating through our project work, but we aim to reflect this through quality messaging and marketing too.”

Practical application of the innovation cycle is demonstrated through projects such as OMENZ, Bactobio soil microbiomes and DeCyst trap crops. Other projects are currently being reviewed at bid stage, or simply being scoped, demonstrating that spins of the cycle are continually taking place.

Mrs Adamson added: “As an independent not-for-profit organisation, CHAP is ideally placed to oversee this process. We use our extensive network across government, academia and industry to ensure that the right people are involved in the right projects, delivering maximum impact.”

To view the animation, visit CHAP’s YouTube channel.


To be involved in future projects or submit idea concepts, e-mail enquiries@chap-solutions.co.uk