
Plant Breeding Fit for the Future - Birmingham

Wednesday 12th October 2022

Event Info

How will we secure the plant varieties needed for a more sustainable and resilient UK agriculture? Can the plant breeding community rise to the challenge, and what is needed to achieve this?

As agriculture faces multiple complex challenges – high costs, dietary shifts, policy changes, climate fluctuations and biodiversity loss – this event explores why and how to breed the resilient plant varieties we need to create sustainable agricultural systems. To do so, Soil Association and CHAP will bring together a diverse range of approaches to evaluate the challenges faced by the UK plant breeding sector, analysing how the system currently works and what changes are needed.

With a broad range of agricultural philosophies and crop types participating, this event provides a unique opportunity for discussion and debate about future needs, shared interests, and potential points of leverage to maximise the impact of the plant breeding community in the challenges faced by UK agriculture.

Join plant breeding experts for a day of fruitful knowledge exchange and creativity. Priorities, collaboration opportunities and shared resources as well as technology and policy enablers will be discussed and debated to ensure our breeding programmes meet the needs of the future market and challenges of the 21st Century.



Wednesday 12 October 2022, 9am – 4.45pm (BST)



Conference Aston, Aston Street, Birmingham, B4 7ET


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