EI Innovate 2021: Linking datasets and bioscience (online)
17th - 18th November 2021
Event Info
This year EI Innovate 2021 will showcase examples of collaborations across 3 research institutes on the Norwich Research Park, Earlham Institute, John Innes Centre, and Quadram Institute, which are strategically funded by UKRI to deliver innovative, world-class bioscience research and training, leading to wealth and job creation, generating high returns for the UK economy.
Each year, they focus on specific areas of expertise and examples of their collaborations. The theme of EI Innovate 2021 is “Linking datasets and Bioscience” and they will explore how data-driven approaches can unlock new biological understanding and development of new technologies and applications across 3 different areas:
What can you get out of the event?
- Find out about specific areas of EI’s expertise and technological platforms
- Make new contacts and discuss potential ideas for collaboration
- Discuss the latest advances and solutions within these fields
- Learn about how to access EI’s capabilities in genomics, bioinformatics and high-performance computing, and learn about our bespoke scientific training courses.
Wednesday 17th November 2021 – Thursday 18th November 2021 10am – 4:30pm (GMT)
Website/Book Here
How much?
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