
Conference: Controlled Environment Agriculture – The Industry is Growing Up (Online)

Thursday 25th February 2021

Event Info

Significant investment in vertical farming and controlled environment operations has seen the industry develop commercial-scale operations. The challenge now is around developing the business models for deployment and investment.

Innovations aimed at reducing the cost of production, optimising the growing environment and the breeding of plants best suited to these conditions are attracting significant interest from both conventional growers and newcomers, stimulating further research developments.

The social and economic disruptions of recent months and growing recognition of the benefits of transparent and responsive supply chains is also creating a new dynamic.

The 2021 CEA conference draws on speakers from across the agri-tech ecosystem, each with different perspectives. It provides an opportunity to review progress, look at the recent developments and gain informed glimpses of the future.


09.50     Welcome and introduction

10.00 – 11.00     Food production in a controlled environment

11.00 – 11.30     Break

11.30 – 12.30     Science-base for CEA innovations

12.30 – 14.00     Lunch

14.00 – 15.00      Is it too late to start up and scale?

15.00 – 16.15     Connecting with Citizens: Vertical Farming and Social Innovation

16.15     Closing Comments

16.20     Event close



Thursday 25th February 2021 from 10.00am to 4.30pm


Website/Book Here

How much?

£85 + VAT non members

£50 + VAT  members of Agri-TechE

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Twitter: @Agri_Tech_E
Facebook: Agri TechE
LinkedIn: Agri-TechE


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